This survey is intended to gather information on the appreciation of the project SimBeLT materials and activities by students and teachers and on their effect on learning and teaching.
All data will be kept confidential and in encrypted form. Data will be used for fine-tuning the project and improve project services. Your responses will be shared in summary form only.

I am a
Teacher  Student

First name   Last name


Gender   Ethnicity/Race (optional)
Male  Female

Disability Status (Optional, select one or more)

What attracted you to the materials? (Please explain)

What materials have you used?
Heat and Thermodynamics
Fiber Optics and Photonics
Virtual Automotive Shop
Introductions to Turbines, Diesel and Internal Combustion Engine

How have you used these materials?
During parts of my lecture
As part of a lab activity
Homework assignment

Have these materials improved your understanding of concepts and principles
and/or equipment/devices presented within them?(Please explain)
Yes No To a certain extent

Please give us your opinion about the SimBeLT simulations and virtual laboratories.
I think the SimBeLT virtual labs helped me to better understand and master concepts in learning subjects
Strongly Agree  Agree  Not sure  Disagree  Strongly disagree

Combining the SimBeLT virtual labs with lectures is an effective way to enhance my understanding of the learning subjects
Strongly Agree  Agree  Not sure  Disagree  Strongly disagree

I would rather do more hands-on experiments than using the virtual labs
Strongly Agree  Agree  Not sure  Disagree  Strongly disagree

In the absence of hands-on experiments, the SimBeLT virtual labs can be an effective tool to learn new materials
Strongly Agree  Agree  Not sure  Disagree  Strongly disagree

Assignments using the SimBeLT virtual labs were consistent with lecture materials
Strongly Agree  Agree  Not sure  Disagree  Strongly disagree

The SimBeLT virtual labs are a convenient way to learn more about basic concepts than coming to lab
Strongly Agree  Agree  Not sure  Disagree  Strongly disagree

Using such virtual labs should be continued in future semesters.
Strongly Agree  Agree  Not sure  Disagree  Strongly disagree

The time dedicated to complete the assignment using the virtual labs was about right
Strongly Agree  Agree  Not sure  Disagree  Strongly disagree

I like to be involved in more hands-on experiments combined with the usage of the virtual labs.
Strongly Agree  Agree  Not sure  Disagree  Strongly disagree

Has the use of these materials influenced your teaching? (Please explain)
Yes No To a certain extent

Have you told others about the materials?
Yes No

What has been the student response to these materials? (Please explain)
Negative Positive
1 2 3 4 5

What do you think about the SimBeLT simulations and virtual laboratories? (Please explain)

Have these materials improved student understanding of concepts and principles
and/or equipment and devices contained within them? (Please explain)

Overall, how would you compare the SimBeLT materials with other online learning
resources? (Please explain)
Project SimBeLT is funded by the National Science Foundation under Grant No DUE-0603277