This survey is intended to gather information about the virtual labs developed and used as part of the biotech/biomanufacturing programs.
All your answers will be anonymous - please be as frank as possible.
1. Who are you?
2. What kind of school are you in?
3. What is your school name ?
4. Thinking of the virtual online labs in your biotech classes, how would you rate their usefulness for learning the material?
5. About how many colleagues did you share the information about the virtual labs with?
6. Did virtual experiments help your students to feel more comfortable at a physical lab?
7. Did virtual experiments help your students to perform actual hands-on tasks better?
8. What did you find most useful about the online virtual labs for your instructional practice?
9. Do you have suggestions for improvements?
10. What subjects would you recommend for future webinars? This information helps us in planning.
11. Any other comments you may have.
4. Are you a first-generation student
5. What is your age?
6. What is your Gender?
7. What is your income level?
8. What is your geographic location?
9. What is your family structure?
10. What is your religion and ethnicity?
11. What is your occupation and education level?
12. Thinking of the virtual online labs in your biotech classes, how would you rate their usefulness for learning the material?
13. How much did you later use the information from the virtual labs?
14. Did virtual experiments help you feel more comfortable at a physical lab?
15. Did virtual experiments help you better perform actual hands-on tasks?
16. About how many other students did you share the information about the virtual labs with?
17. What did you find most useful about these online virtual labs?
18. Do you have suggestions for improvements?
Please click on the "Continue" button to continue.