Virtual X-ray Laboratories


Dr. Hamid Garmestani
Prof. at Georgia Tech

Dr. Michael Cima
Prof. at MIT

Dr. Yi Hi
Prof. at the City University of New York (CUNY)

Click on an image to read the testimonial

Dr. Chamila N. Liyanage
Lecturer at National
University of Singapore

Dr. Andrzej Calka
Prof. at University of

Dr. Oscar Coreño Alonso
Prof. at Universidad de

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Dr. Oscar Coreño Alonso Prof. at Universidad de Guanajuato

I've used the ATeL online X-Ray Labs very successfully within two of my classes having students to use virtual powder diffractometer for phase analysis and for the determination of crystallite size of various samples. Students analyzed the collected data using the embedded tool or they exported XRD data for using an open-source analytical software. ATeL educational software has been extremely valuable for our students and for teaching purposes It was a real pleasure to work with ATeL that was extremely receptive and very helpful in making adjustments to better accommodate the needs of our students. Thank you so much.